The Lighthouse Radio Bible Study

#1943 - Basic Biblical Principles for Difficult Times - Various New & Old Testament Scriptures

April 5, 2020

1. God is good and merciful to His people every day.
     Psalm 86:5
2. God takes care of His people's needs every day.
     Psalm 37:25
3. God is in Control Every Day, Not people.
     Psalm 118:8,9
4. God is not limited by anything.
     Psalm 92:13-15
     1 Samuel 2:7,8
5. God Blesses prayerful obedience in a diligent job search.
     Psalm 90:17
     Matthew 7:7,8
6. God has His Plan and His Time and I need to patiently Trust Him.
     Gen. 45:7,8
     Psalm 27:14
7. I need to act in a way that is consistant with belief in
   the above Principles.
     1 Samuel 17:31-54

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